22A: Sticks to a suit (5) ??U?S Clubs????
22D: Opposed to getting firm with knight (3) ???
25A: Sent far away - free perhaps, or for a payment (11 Two words) ?R???F?R?E?
Many thanks....
Help to get started please:- 2a. Gather officer expired (7) 13a. Temper driven around before reversing (7) 26a. Family members stern then happy (7) 6d. Joint Chief is an imbecile (11) Many thanks...
stuck on two 6D: Insensitive, possibly, Donald's offering things that won't work (4,5) D?A? ??C?S 13A: Unprofessional hairdresser half smiles, makes uncertain movements (7) T???L?S Many thanks...