Help with last one please: 23ac. Timid type coming into the reckoning in bed? (5) S_ E_ P And help with parsing…must be SHEEP (timid type) or SLEEP ( in bed) but I don’t understand it!Many thanks in...
Good evening, Will not be able to sleep until I know the answer to this one please: 29 ac: Bribe-takers associated with Blair- not finished as a PM! (10) I have: P_ L _ E _ S _ _ _ _ Many thanks in...
Any assistance would be much appreciated with: 19ac: A *** might well…take up all the space( getting expandable trouser tops) (6) _ I _ L _ _ 20dn: Major population centre is within grasp of senator...
Good morning! Any help would be very appreciated with the following please: 1dn: Last of the political party stuck in river bottom- discussed at great length (10) 69ac: Republican ring getting hack to...
Help please with the answer and parsing of : 13ac: Slip makes genital area extremely sore(5) I have L _ P _ E ( unless I have gone wrong on one of my other answers?!) Any assistance greatly...
Help please: 16ac: A good person caught in fact in ‘flagrante’ - great! (9) 6 dn: One’s to be found in Bury, the outlandish festival venue (8) All help greatly appreciated. Many thanks in...
Help very much appreciated with my last clue please: ( and the parsing!): 30ac: Standing politician’s against unprincipled Trump’s election introductions (6) I have R _P_T_ So I must be very dim not...
Having completed the previous 2 Private Eye crosswords in double quick time I am really struggling this week! Looking to get a break through so any help very much appreciated! 8 ac: Application to...
7ac: Forced etc into drink, many a politician talks through it? (6) 1dn: Way press gets working to produce leader up north (8) 2dn: Independent member (a ***) is a hit (6) Many thanks in...
To finish any help with following please: State funds partner no longer one with place on the board (9) Unimaginative artist incorporating circles in image (7) Jar on it’s lid - something often...
Help please with: 5ac: Bill’s main yen: to get through skirt (6) 5dn: Coarse space turned over for jail (9) 16dn : Absolutely infatuated with nuts and balls (5,4) CRAZY something?? Thank you so much...
Completely stuck! Political party talker for volatile type not keen on power sharing (7,5) and Merely want Trump’s inauguration top wear to show “Blow me” (4,5,4) Any help greatly appreciated!...