Stuck big time today need help with loads but the 2 long ones might help
1d 2 words 9/6 vital software that's persistent may go wonky
6d 2words 7/8 nation reelectedlunatic to make pact...
1a 2 words 5/9 cancel bad old version of English tests for junior officers 20a 2 words 3/5 engineer demonised having left mike unbalanced 4d 8 letters some French copy energy report Thank I've been...
7 d 2 words 5/7 question angry former African in 21 in river
29a 3 words 3/3/6 where pick up finished unofficially25 - 2 words 5/5. Very large airplane sadly lacks current energy source
5a 6 letters some rickshaws made of iron
8d 8 letters provide food and drink bypassing the tube
6d 5 letters erstwhile officer secures uniform to celebrate
General question has anyone made a start on Barebones yet I've only answered 2 22a is era 5a is recluse Any ideas on 6d 2 words deceitful player is eccentric & perceptive ( total of 9 letters) 9d 2...
1d 2 words 10/5 pump on bypass hit trailer facials wrecked 6d 2 words 8/7 I count all geckos snakes & lizards in these Struggling this morning so hoping once I get these 2 long answers I'll be ok (...
20 d 4 letters mail exclusively covers Hollywood 27 d 4 letters teacher is writing outside 3D 4 letters Parisian is keeping a quarter Can't believe it's the shortest ones I couldn't solve So big...
29a 2 words 3/9 in Paris I drove past entrance to Tuileries like 9 say 20d 2 words 3/4 competitive struggle in which gunmen turn up 22d 2 words 4/3 the last nurse in trouble on the contrary Thanks...
8d 6 letters spy takes in large English fair 18d 2 words 3/4 life jacket gives stitch in side when surfacing Last 2 Late starting today as paper never arrived until 10.45 here on the Isle of Wight due...
10a openly disregardloud aggressive chap (5 letters)
12a socialist, in prosperous time, showed lack of interest (7 letters)
Thank you these are my last 2 today so feeling quite chuffed with myself...
10a 7 letters low single digit growth ruins one in the end
13a 7 letters escort king welcoming trainee Dutch settler once
17a 5 letters bloke eats very soft fish
Thanks loads...
Feeling very pleased with myself this morning as completed this crossword it's 8.45 am & I only started at 7.30am . Is someone going to deflate my ego by saying it was an easy one today?!!!!!!!...