Good morning everyone - early start again, busy day ahead, well afternoon really, and we're off out to lunch first so getting the important things out of the way !! Will we have another cascade of...
Good morning everyone - it's silly o'clock here and I'm getting an early start, lots to do when the weather's kind and I'll make the most of it before the heat comes back, that should be about Tuesday...
Good morning everyone - lovely mild weather for us for the time being, long weekend too, while we all celebrate Australia Day - prawns on barbies all over the place !! Lots and lots of possibles with...
Good morning everyone - as you struggle out from under the blankets [ of snow] I'm waiting for the next round of ridiculous heat ... so far not on the horizon ... roll on Spring and Autumn This...
Good morning all - another quiet week on the links, are we still out on the other 'links' ?? oh ha ha ha, very funny ... the weather's addled what little brain I had!! at least a number of us had a...
Good morning everyone - an early start I know, but I'm making the most of a couple of cool days to get some chores done before the next blast of heat comes our way ... and believe me, there's one on...
Good morning everyone - well, it's here, the final week of competition for this year .. where did it go ?? I've known time pass quickly before but nothing compares with this past year !! First and...
Good morning everyone - rather on the warm side down my way, our cool change has either fizzled out or been so minute, it's already been and left no impression - either way I'm not impressed !! Plenty...
Good morning everyone - Not the best of days here but things should improve slowly, before some more horrid hot and humid stuff arrives later in the week. Plus we had to say farewell to a four-footed...
Good morning all - a very early start today as this looks like being one I'd rather forget - horse show tomorrow so lots of running around to do and the weather's pulled a nasty surprise on us ... hot...
Good morning everyone - sunny and warm today, but the hot weather's on it's way .. not my favourite time of the year !! Four nice little link words for us - figuring out what goes with which could be...
Good morning everyone - lovely sunny day here but it's also Spring Racing Carnival so I'm spending a bit of time watching the neddies [ and losing my money] ... all over today, though !! Four link...
Good morning everyone - all ready for another month of action, spills and thrills as we head towards the silly season ?? or shall we slowly slide into hibernation as snow blankets the countryside ??...
14 across the best erotic ..... hotel MARIGOLD 42 white marking on the lower half of an equine animal SOCK 48 Novelist who created Wilbur Charlotte Templeton WHITE 28 down A score of two strokes under...
Good morning everyone - warm and sunny here today, but the wet stuff is on it's way back Now before we get down to business, I'll be away next weekend and KM is in the lap of the gods - if I'm able...
Good morning everyone - it's been one of those weeks !! first we lose an hour of sleep, not good for me, then the weather does an alarming backflip and we have snow on the local mountains [ no real...
Good morning everyone - an early start again for the finale for this month, after a very rough week weatherwise, we have a calm day and a long weekend as well so I'm off to enjoy it all. Four of the...
1 across. (10). ____T_H_N_. Yearning after net returns may be seductive. 9 across. (5). ____E. Fish behind second rock. 1 down. (4). Money`s not right for singer. 2 down. (7). ____S_T. Something or...