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18a Private finance, lid to be taken off. a-n-i-e-t-a-
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big day tomorrow we celebrate 56 years of marriage and we are still going strong no big celebration just a nice dinner in a restaurant with the two of us
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1d Refuse to go off the drink (4,4) 1st letter t 13ac Most people here, having come through Victoria, say (7,7) - - a - - - r / - t - t - o - (station ?) First letter is penultimate letter of 1d. I...
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Foggy here in this part of Gloucestershire this morning. Could be low cloud, (we are at the top of a hill and low cloud is quite common and is different to fog) It will clear to leave a bright, sunny...
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Licenced beggars formerly in Scotland
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It's going to be another fine day here in Gloucestershire.
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Like Football Thread!
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Last two..... Enlighten (5) _ D_ R_ Base (4) _ _ O T R in first is first letter in second thanks in advance
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stompe Yes! Coming out to Play?
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20 down
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Well known phrase: A?? t??? g??????? i? n?? g??? Many thanks
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I'm really stuck: Extremely useful, unlike an amalgam filling (5, 4, 6, 2, 4) Can anyone help please? Thanks David
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It seems I'm back and yesterday's thread is back too! Thank you to all who wished me well. I did indeed follow bensmum's thread. A lovely day to everyone.
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64d lacking vitality (10) l ? c ??????? thanks for any help
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Helloooo ...... what is up with this site this morning?
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the answers to these are "flowers" 1. Almost held captive? 2. 19th April? 3. Unkempt bird 4. Steps to heaven 5. March by Walton 6 Glass or plastic bead
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13 dn landlord robert holds minute parcel meant ti go off.two words 6 and 4 letters ?e???? - bomb. 25 ac 'scary movie'? al's not in remake of 'hall of mirrors' .two words 6 and 4 letters. -o---- ???m.
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I'm baffled by the Helen Keller quote: "No one has a right to ... happiness without producing it." C-n-u-e Many thanks
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p= e a do n cp=hrhds m=cw in f rl, yl wh of u
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[IMG][/IMG] first day here a few weeks ago i rescued some battery hens since then there have been several questions on here asked by other people as to how they cope...

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