Would greatly appreciate help with final three clues. 25a. Disheartened, never to return and attempt coming in again.(2-5) I have R?E?T?? 22d. Cross dishy bride's holding.(6) I have ???R?D 24d....
18a.put an angler's gear around unknown fish. (4) I have D?R? 26a. Silver and gold at a market place.(5) I have A?O?A 1d. Hypnotise detective in hospital department.(7) I have E?C?A?T 21d. Oscar...
Would appreciate help with final clues. 9a. Exercise which could get you to the start of a walk?(5) I have T?A?N 20d. Tip turned over with energy for a means of underarm ventilation! (3,3) I have P?T...
Would appreciate help with final two clues.
5d. Land with a deposit and key to enter small apartment.(4,4) I have S?L?F?A?
21d. Up to this girl's school to with-hold name.(6) I have ?E?E?O...
Completely stuck on lower right corner. Please help. 22a. Don't just nibble your food!(6) I have ??L??? 27a. Malodorous fluid in filthy place.(6) I have ???N?? 18d. Front feverish-foes finally with...
Please help with final clues. 10a. Serious drinkers call for rescue after swim.(6) I have ?I?S?S 25a. Roman has drink with Greek in perfect setting. (8) I have ?G?I???? 22d. Here camels roaming spit...
Would appreciate some help. 18a.Supposedly disapprove as a body, giving rise to underground movement.(4,2,4,5) I have T??? I? O?E? ??A?E 21a. Betting fall can cause injury.(6) I have ???A?? 8d. Very...
Would appreciate help with final 3 clues. 13. Hosting internet, gain trolls.(12) I have ?N???T?I?I?G. entertaining? intertwining? 22a. Gangster ducks source of bad luck.(6) I have ?O???O. hoodoo?...
Would greatly appreciate help with final clues. 6d. Tablet, one not rejuvenating, spoils taker.(8) I have P?L?A?E? 8d. Pretty pasture, empty, with loose rock around.(7)I have S?A?E?Y 21d. Storyteller...
Would appreciate help with final three clues. 22a. Converse with petty officer in work place.(8) I have o???s?t? 4d. Lists church houses free of sin.(7) I have c?e?n?e 15d. Furniture supplier's word...
Would greatly appreciate help with final three clues. 26a. M's successor put back in Bond film with English warplane.(5) I have D?O?? 16d. Member of acting family observed when drunk.(5) I have S?E?N...
Am completely stuck on final clue. Can't find the answer! Please help.
3d. Initials of the body that administers boxing in the USA. (1,1,1,) I have N?A...
Can't work out lower right hand corner. Please help. 23a. Friend describing university to a girl.(5) I have P???A 25a. To better score is excellent.(3-5) I have ?O? N???H Top notch? 19d. Station...
Am completely stuck on final three clues. Please help! 13a. Mystic recites impromptu about love.(8) I have ????E?I? 4d. Dog bird.(7) I have ?A?R??? 11d. Classy pitch so perfect, somewhat uplifting.(4)...
Stuck on final clues. Please help. 17a. Cold in head unfortunately was painful.(5) I have A?H?? 22a. Rest of sodium and phosphorous,(3) I have N?? 18d. Dishearten editor over papers.(7) I have ????E?S...