Not known or supposed to exist 11 letters. u?s?s?e?t??. Small Italian town on Gulf of Geneva. 5 letters. ??a?o. Expansion of the direction viz. 9 letters. v?????c?t. ...a second eleven sort of...
Scottish term for cows....3 letters K??. Small Italian town on gulf of Geneva. 5 letters.??a?? Resort on coast of Humberside. 7 letters.??????A. Book of rules for decicing the church office for the...
I need to type ^ over certain letters but don't know how to type this symbol over a letter,like a w,a,o and Y.Iam learning Welsh and wish to type words with this ^ above a letter.Hope someone can...
Please can anyone answer the following 2 clues? An ace,perhaps 5 letters. S-R-E Put in a list 8 letters -N-O-L-D Many thanks in advance.Last 2 in NARPO magazine.
Can anyone add further to what I have read as to the future of Brians site and if there is an alternative as seems odd he has decided to give into bullies and remove his answers! Thanks in advance.