Thank you, everyone (including Shaney Star, as usual,)for filling in all the unanswered clues for me. Entering a wrong answer can prove exhausting eg Apollo rather than Helios, mambo rather than...
16a leek and potato soup, cold, same as Potage Parmentier hot *i*h*s*o*s* 42d Richard II, Act v, scene III quotation w*l*l* Thank you, as always, to Jim Jools and others for answers to the other clues...
16a Austrian doctor and psychologist who co=founded psychoanalysis with Sigmund Freud *d*e* I have looked at everyone's answers. Mr. Jools and Shaneystar, please rescue me.
3D Biological fluid -L-O- produced by the liver according to classical Greek medicine, 5 letters 4D19thcenture beech-loading rifle named after its American inventor -N-D-R, 6 letters 23A Type of...
Mindful of the well-earned comments about looking up all media first before coming to this site, I am left with two clues to which there do not appear to be answers posted here and I have not...
Thank you, everyone, for some answers in the Most Recently Answered column. Despite Google and other search engines, I am still stuck on: 9d very efficient and coldly detached ?l?i?c?l (clinical...
Thank you for all the answers. What about 18D Central Asian river, linking variously with 38A which could be ambit, orbit or (?) the suggestion arbit I had Thalia wrong, should have been Charis. ...
I am having some difficulty with: 11A Type of quartz crystal that has talen on the cubic form of fluorspar crystals by a process of substitution 43A Angle the needle of a compass makes with the...
Having managed 25 clues without reference to anything, then filled in all but 2 via books and the web, may I this morning say thank you to the people who gave me the answers to 1A swan song (which...
Thank you for the answers to 38a and 4D; realise I still have two others left: 47d Not conforming to Jewish dietary laws and 30d The doctrine that the state should have supremacy over the Church in...
I seem to be the only person stuck on: 38a Of an image that is almost as accurate as a photograph and 4d is the answer "trot out" or something else? Thank you in advance. Ann Coombe
Has anyone given me the answer to 45a Indian word for a sportsman or game hunter? I have been given all my other missing answers, especial thanks to Jim Jools. Ann Coombe