Help needed please Poisonous plant & noxious weed 4 letters ?e?n Where you might do a Seige of Ennis or a Four Hand reel 5 letters ? E ? L ? One who sings very high in Summer 4 letters ?a?? Many thanks... ...
Thank you Scorpiojo & Newmodarmy for previous answer. Help needed again please. 1 down 10 letters. Sorry I have no letters. Wouldn't an old rancher need a hand to brand his name across the Great... ...
Help needed please RTE Guide 5 down 9 letters Up in the air was the battle of Britain before that fiery force was brought down ?u???a??? Many thanks in advance
Help needed please RTE Guide Crossword 49 17 down 2 words 3 & 6 USA's electoral map shows a surfeit of what must please Putin ?e? S ???e? 25 across 6 letters Boudicca, as she was entitled to be... ...
Help needed please Crossword 35 RTE GUIDE 1 down 3,2,5. Bisschen Frieden: a Eurovision winner. Moment's silence for what the world needs now? ???, ??, ??a?? Many thanks in... ...
Help needed please RTE Guide Crossword 32 18 across How a martyr's deadly cause comes across, being ready & able first, isn't it? 7,2,3,3, ???l??? ?? ??? ?o? Many thanks in... ...
Thank you both for previous answer Batty. One more please. RTE Guide Crossword 22 29 across But how many might you find coming back from Leningrad? 4 letters ??n? Many thanks in... ...
Help needed please. RTE GUIDE crossword 21 26 down But it's the small board player that's always first to be forfeit! 4 letters p??? Many thanks in advance