Trying to finish off this quiz and need help with picture No.53 - the purple cat. Could be Catbert but it's the wrong colour and it doesn't really look like 'Eek' the cat. Please does a AB know which...
These are cryptic clues and the answers contain a colour or shade: Sounds like you make a loud noise but a popular item with kids (3,5) Did this young outlaw have a real soft spot for Joan? (7,5)
Cryptic clues leading to terms linked to sport. Help appreciated with: 8. Could it be an apple from New England 13. 50% of the lord 23. The miss is finished 31 Stylish up to a point 33 What a lovely...
Just got my answer sheet back and found a cheque attached for joint second prize along with 3 others, we had 96 points. The winner had 96?. Feel very pleased with that, so thanks to anyone who helped... This is a downloadable quiz. I guess its more for fun unless you live in the area as a lot of the prizes are local. I did it last year and its good and its different....
PART 2 Names of towns with a weather connection 1) Good man removes obstruction.(2,6)....(.presumably ST.?) 3(Dehydrated second rate corvid. (8).....I know corvid is a crow!) 19) Noddy didn't grow...
Help wanted please for No21 of this quiz. I know nothing about footie. Answer is a place somewhere in Britain. 21. Irish and Liverpool centre forward Many thanks
Would appreciate help in solving the following. Answers are wild flowers/plants. 13. Makes a nice soup (5,5) 14. An angry brassica (7,4) 60. A gem from Japan (7) Many thanks