12 down. People on board created riot at sea (11) D?R?C?O???? 21 across. Critical article covering North African country (5) K???A 24 across. Doctor has plot outside current medical facility (8)...
9 across. Independent contract with Sun models (6) ??I???
14 across. About time to reverse having runs on banks (8) T???O???
22 across. Country is able to plug middle of dam (6) ??D???
Thank you...
9 down. Tricky actor and astronaut with broken ulna (4,9) ?L?N/?R???????
18 across. Material to reschedule TV broadcast about five (7,6) ?R?????/ V?L?E?
Thank you...
15 down. Deposits drunk in part of ship (8) T??S???S
19 down. Carrying on, top man secures English record (7) K?E???G
22 across.Trick unfortunately forced knight to come out (6) O?C???
Thank you...
The first three answers to this crossword are, I believe, Key, Sand, Hell.
They should make up a well known phrase or saying but I cannot work out what it is. Please help. Thank you...
It is my cousin's 74th birthday today. Her married name is Celia Goodhew and her husband's name is Len. She lives in a village near Swindon. When my wife was alive they used to keep in touch by...
9 across. Fancy chair occupied by male after little time (9) S?E?T?O?T 19 across. Drive round the bend following British car (6) ?A?G?R 17 down. Wood covering empty mango's top...(8) ?O?E?O?T Thank...
3 down. From oaf term at Harvard produces results (9) A???C????
5 down. Coastal area lacking in imagination, we hear (8) L???O???
13 across. Encore of Queen record with Plant (6) R?????
Thank you...
28 across. Old hat initially tarnished ceremony (5) T?A?? 30 across. Entertainers almost cocky in front of previous head of state (10) ?E???R?D?? 26 down. Views looking north and south (4) ???? Thank...
19 down. Introduction of rule queried, dubiously mandatory (8) ?E???R?? 26 across. Be delayed after setback of one country or another (6) ???A?? 31 across. Plant explorer found to east of isle...