2 down. Subset of colours which can be displayed by a computer screen (5) R?M?T 9 down. Largest of the Pacific's three cultural areas (9) P?L?N?S?A 28 across. Company on whose label Elvis Costello's...
33 down. ?P??? islands; The Moluccas formerly (5) ?P??? 37 across. Species of butterfly that features in Byron's poem "All These I Learnt" (9,4) ??A?K?I?L/?L?E (I have looked up this poem and it does...
9 across. Such may offer various bread bits left to be eaten (4,6) ????/???L?S 11 across. More troublesome row interrupted by warning instrument (8) ???????R 2 down and 25 across. Change payment...
Please help with the phrase or well known saying produced by the first four answers to the clues:- Q1. Oik. (3) A1 Oaf. Q2. Float.(5) A2 Hover. Q3. Meadow.(3) A3 Lea. Q4. Convenience.(5) A4 Gents....
12 across. Mathematicians from Asia in Channel 4 series (6,7) ???I??/?????R? 4 down. Correct his grammar with grey haired flower (5,8) ?A?S?/??R?G??? (I originally thought Marsh marigold but these...
18 across. Means being out of employment? (6,6) ??R?E?/I?C?M?
21 across. Get to travel free by horse at last (4) ??D?
16 down. Water creature is quiet when inland (8) ?????P?N
Thank you...
Four clues in this puzzle need to be solved by reference to pictures.
42 across 'B' is SOOTY.....47 down is PHONE.....15 across ' is (????/P?L?)
51 across is D (????)
Thank you...