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Joke told by Jenny Eclair on Countdown this afternoon about the 3 little pigs. The first little pig went into a pub and ordered a rum and coke and then asked "May I use your toilet please?" The barman...
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Please help with :- 1 across. Storyteller's introduction to mystery as worker swallows poison (10) M?R?????N? 9 across. Pure rascal,English Conservative with old-fashioned message (10) I?M?????R? 8...
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Please help with 10 across. Not well (3,6) O?F/?E?O?N Thank you...
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Please help with:- 16 across. Private eye puts query in a novel to a male (7,5) ?????R?/??E?T 23 across. Authorise coercive measure (8) ???????? 24 across. Powerful Russian fighter gains height...
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9 across. Nonentity ?I?S?U?A? 19 across. At the double (7-5) L?C?E??/S?L?T Thank you...
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Please help with:- 1 across. Accommodation for officers isn't too special in mess (6,8) ??P???/???????? 10 across. Excellent, like every part of RAF, but not army or navy (7) ??????L 17 across. Make...
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I have to entertain a visitor soon and want to get in a bottle of sweet wine. I don't drink but would greatly aappreciate your advice. Thank you....
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please help with:- 1 across. Where to begin trainspotting,free (8,5) ???R????/????? 18 across. Squeeze just one more cent (7) ??????T 22 across. It doesn't allow English doctor on Greek ship (7)...
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Please help with:- 17 across. Heading off for a resort that's trendy (5,2) ??G?T/?N (Might be BRIGHTON) 13 down. Junk has battle with raft (9) S???P?E?P Thank you...
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A friend of mine, lady aged 50, has had a nasty cold with flu like symptoms for about a week. She is now feeling a lot better, but has a hacking cough which is worse at night. Have you experienced the...
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1.I have a 6 year old Dell 1545 Inspiron computer which has stopped working. 2.The screen is flashing and there are many horizontal lines plus a large "trapezium" standing on the right hand side. 3.I...
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Please help with:- 9 across. Leave film to entertain team (4) E??? 6 down. Housey-housey house! (5,4) ???G?/H?L? 22 across. Going round Rome, Cuba and York once (8) E?O?A?U Thanks....
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Please help with:- 14 down. Initially Steve Cram ran and ran (9) E?R???L?? 27 across. Narrow lens distorted reflection of colour (7) S?????R 19 across. Head of intelligence taken in by female burglar...
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Please help with the following:- 2 down. Survive first half of journey? (4,3) R?D?/D?? 13 down. Shambolic canteen in which there is semi-ripe fruit (9) ??????I?? 17 down. Answer being not easily got...
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Please help with:- 1 across. Peer regularly involved in suspect marine business (7) Sorry, no letters. 11 across. Terrible gaffes-some politically incorrect!(3,7) Sorry, no letters. 18 across....
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1.What is the best way for an absolute beginner like me to learn how to solve Sudoko puzzles, please. 2.I have taken the first lesson of Sudoko Professor, but cannot download the second lesson as I...
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Please help with 4 down. Male presenter to paint OK, it's said (4,9) ???T/???W?I??? Thank you...
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Please help with:- 21 across. There'll be friction as long as he's at work (7) ??S???R (? RUSTLER) 24 across. It may be parental - or not (7) Sorry, no letters (? PATERNAL) 30 across. Exhibits...

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