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26 across. Criticised in turn by article in Times (3,2) ???/?T 18 down. Ideal man using power to protect king and queen (2,5) Sorry no letters. 14 down. Islanders with little or nothing to look back...
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9 across. Cockeyed with draught-most of kebab is left (4-5) ????/W????11 11 11 across. Work on engine's air increase (4-2) ????/U? 19 across. Brand's very loud exit (3,3) ???/O?F 28 across. Swim in...
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16 across. Fast youngster to handle film (7)?E?E?E? 22 across. Spanish city without a tree (4) P?L? 17 down. In France you get round here for sitcom ?I?I?U? ,Thank you...
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Please help with following :- (Sorry no letters) 6 across. Awful worrier keeps London guide as intruders'deterrent (5,4) 18 across. Marx returns western finery scattered by TV host (5,7) 7 down. Time...
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27 across. Authorities could create best towpath here (3,6,4,2) T??/???E??/????/?? 10 across. Pliable wine connoisseur initially following the Spanish (7) E???T?? 14 down. Rule VIP's broke getting...
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12 across. Experienced hat maker (4) ?E?T 19 down. Wild herb found around Virginia (6) ?A?A?E Thank you...
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1 across. Go from bad to worse? (8) Sorry no letters. 3 down. Magazine that's designed for women? (6,4) ????E?/R?O? Thank you...
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22 across. Close of business? (4-3,3) D???/E??/?O? Thank you...
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10 across. A substance one has on entry? (10) ?E???????N 17 across. Without control, came down after turbulence (12)???E???????? 20 across. A monkey's crossing a lake, puzzled (2,1,4) ??/???S 6 down....
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8 across. Realise one can do this at a bank (6) ???A?H 14 across. Management takes action in drawn out dispute (7,6) ??N?I?G/?A?T?? 17 down. Bad performer. (4,4) ??I?/D?E? 18 down. Team's negative...
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15 across. Dwindle as favourite with a little energy facing defeat (5,3) P???R/??? (Might be PETER OUT) 27 across. Wild beast may be seen here in the distance, one going as a flash (6,4) ?????I/?G????...
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1 across. Veto decision thus? (7,4) C???I??/?O?E 16 down. Object of search for lost glory in winter fall (4,5) H???/????? 27 across. Admit the truth of learning on account. (11) ??K???????? Thank you...
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4 down. Strong macho types kept in check (8) ?E?E?E? 2 down. Power shown by champion dog, race's early leader (4-6) ?A??/?E???? 7 down. Lots terribly low after workers suffered a heavy defeat (4,5,4)...
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5 down. Where to see the beginning -and the end- of the rainbow (5,4) ????T/?A?M 13 down. Racketeer's go-between? (6,4) TENNIS ?M?? 17 down. Don't stand round showing what a bad crack will do (4,4)...
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23 across. Petal is bending on a plant (8) Sorry, no letters. 28 across. Mineral obtained from high quality vegetables, primarily (10) G????????? 16 down. Put Sulphur and Iodine into a magic drink....
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1 across. Tool takes nasty slice out of ancient chief (4,6) ????/?????L 14 across. Unpleasant people race after power-but it's not likely (4,5,3) ???S/?I???/F?? 17 across. Dwarf got up and cooked Afro...
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13 across. Some leave when one's not at one's best(3,3) Sorry, no letters. 1 across. How chess is played in general (6,3,5) ?????S/???/????? 18 across. Carefully selected husband together with old...
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20 across. Guess this could suggest a midnight murder (1,4,2,3,4) ?/????/??/???/D?R? Sorry, no letters for the following:- 12 across. Room for doubt (10,3). 5 down. Try very hard to meet qualification...
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10 across. Assesses pans -for roasts (10) ?????C???? 12 down. Plump bird that's become part of Christmas for some (5,5) (sorry, no letters) 12 across. Shoots the messengers? (7) ?????R? 29 across....
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8 across. Fail to stress carpet fitter's requirement, incorporating small change. (9) ????R???Y 12 across. Fruit with sharp taste the Spanish love (7)????E?? 3 down. Large number must find half of...

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