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Indulge me Is the correct term.......... eh up? hey up? hay up? I say eh up?, but my friend tobe says hay up?...
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the embarrassment is enough punishment
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I'm not the most observant of people, probably been there for several days but whats with the bus on AB logo?
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Otherwise, it's a can of soup in the microwave, again !
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I was is watching an episode of the above , the other day - the one where Del Boy is alone in a house with an escaped prisoner . There is the sound of an helicopter . The prisoner asks ' is that the...
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Hi all, I caught a film a few weeks ago but missed the title. (film 4?) It was about two lads that terrorised a family they looked like they were about to play tennis (with rubber gloves!) they ended...
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Obituary printed in the London Times An Obituary printed in the London Times - Interesting and sadly rather true. Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us...
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Surely all you AB Friends want to see Scotland kick ass tomorrow!
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Well, here we are again. Not qualifying(unless something very strange happens). Should we get a grip on reality and realise that a national team from a country of 5M people will very rarely qualify...
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as the title says hehe so proud of myself :P x
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AB Editor
Afternoon everyone. A few little bits of housekeeping this afternoon for you. 1. The Share button is nicely bedded in from what I can see. After an initial spurt of shares we're running at about 70ish...
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are you on here? or doing something else?...
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This is for the very special lady in the post at the top of this page ♥
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Tonight when i dropped the TV remote i had to fish it out from the side of my chair.I found £1.49 , a comb, a blue Argos pen,2 humbugs and a button.Whats down the side of your armchair?
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I am really stressed in my job. I have been looking for a new job for some time but have had no luck so far. I really don't feel that I can continue where I am but am worried that I won't be able to...
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AB Editor
Of course I will kick us off in the traditional style. Aside from this, shall we do a "last thing you listened to" theme for starters? ....
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tuck your? into your?
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Thanks go to Sky Sports News for the reminder. I can still remember settling down to watch this match and I was so clenched! TBH, I didn't give England a hope in Hell of getting a result. What a night...
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Apparently hundreds of complaints were made to Channel 4 about their athletics presenter, Ortiz Deley. I have watched some of the athletics and saw him on but never noticed anything out of the...
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......received the most answers ever? i bet it was something very very important, like 'whether you should dunk yer biscuits'!...

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