Had a text from my bank asking me to text Y or N depending on whether or not I had made a transaction as it had been flagged as a possible fraud. The actual amount was for zero to Google, but in...
Suddenly, they can hear us, but we can't hear them via PC. Our speakers work OK ((you tube etc). I tried the test facility on Skype but my message wasn't recorded. I set up Skype on iphone and the...
Why is it always hit and miss whether the DM weekend puzzles offer a prize e.g. today’s Spiral?
I don’t expect to win anything, but it does give that added incentive....
I regularly monitor my blood presure (3xdaily) and have noticed about a 10% rise the day after my booster jab. There are reports of others being affected around the world. Anyone else here experienced...
Our wills state that, when we have both died, our estate is divided between our two sons. If either son predeceases us, their share goes to any children that attain the age of 25. (I forget the...
Just started to have a problem 'fully' accessing my bank account via my PC. I say 'fully', because after getting through the security, I get to the home page where I can view my balances and see my...
1A. They charge around lake, stopping to change. Answer is cavalry (presumably because they charge) and there’s the letter L but can’t see the rest....
Hi. I'm arranging for a few old VHS tapes (children's memories etc) to be 'digitalised' for posterity by a local firm. I'm currently playing them through my VCR to sort out the ones to save. The...
1A Little money gained from shopping in the centre. Probably ‘twopence’ = Little money, but how else?
Also can’t submit crossword for some reason. Will keep checking....
It's China's fault. They gave us Covid 19, leading to missing seeing grandchildren. After a long gap, we arranged to meet up with them. Arrived at meeting-up point, Mrs Arrods couldn't wait to exit...