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Name of a bird in local quiz. - Swap red coke?...
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Armidale is the ....... city in Australia (answer is 7 letters). Many thanks if you can help.
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Armidale is the ? City in Australia (. 7 letter word). Many. Thanks,
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musical instrument name - "the main storey of a large house is called ......nobile?...
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can anyone help me with this dingbat please. UP 8 Thanks very much if you can....
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what connection do the following have - barley - wax- fruits- anne - steel - isles? Many thanks for any clues.
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what is the blue and white number on car number plates that denotes the area around Dunkerque? Many thanks all.
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COMPANION FOR A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY (7 letters). Could it be Seagull? Thank you very much - this is the last clue!
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can anyone help me with these please? i am down to the last 10 of 50. 6 E in the C O (O G) H 7, the F T M 32 T in the A H D D 6, S N D S,W,R, the 3 R A on P M 4 S, the I 5 Y P on a B 6 W B, the I D S...
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what letter beginning with a letter P is a lost practice for the banks and also a girls name?
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please, what do the following stand for: 63 G in a G 6 C of U 1 S in a P Many thanks if you can help.
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another name for "a war memorial" . 7 letters. Thanks folks.

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