Last one - unless I've made loads of mistakes:
46d Variable illustration featuring in short story classic (7)
Typical? Topical? Help please....
Top corner a but of a problem for me still. 14ac Place with racing stable (9) ??E?D?A?T
16ac Dancer getting hot in scorcher (7) ??E?R?R
Shearer? I dunno. Please help....
56ac. After this, someone must be brought in before play can resume (6,5) E?E?N?/O?N?S Exeunt something or other? Also, 4d Reduction of material to form a lump (4) C?O? Clod? All help much...
Help please.
47d. A court case affecting chambers (6) ?????L
34d. Secondary sea vessels never tangled with it (11) R?B???????T
51d Sharp pain finally moving upward in part of leg (4) ?N?E Knee?...
23ac Sailors coming to American saint's home city (6) ?A?S?S I can only think of Kansas but can't see why that would be the answer. 5ac Writer, person seen in retrospect as a workhorse (6) ?O?B?N...