1. Low sound from sodium? [5] 2. Raised in a fuss? [4] 3. Goodison's last derby triumph? [5] 4. His transfiguration was left unfinished? [7] 5. Stevens' musical dad? [7] 6. Does it produce the former...
Cryptic Food and drink. 1.Bring Marx Dennis to me. 3.Delightful country. 4.Use us a mats. 5.Planet fastener meets a pot. 5.Boozy ram. 7.Men sip ice.. Thank you.
1. Tap on a barrel (6) -P-G-- 2. Stimulating substance produced by body (7) --R-O-- 3Much of the time (5) O-T-- Thing the letters are right! Many thanks in advance. JF.
could I have help please with the following questions 1 across 3 and 6 letters In charge of health resort retiring young lady appears thus changed S?? ?A?S?M 2 down 9 and 6 letters Body snatcher? He's...
Can anyone help me with the last few: 7. Sounds like - to choose a moveable barrier (7) 10. A cart maker (10) 19. Formerly responsible for horses in Royal Household (7) 25. One responsible for...
Started this very late today and stuck on last two answers. 15D Type of hard wax used in polishes C---A-B- 17D Old name for the basic unit of money in Thailand T-C-L. TIA
1-Want of enthusiasm I???A?I?N 2-Almond flavoured liqueur ?????T?O 3-Type of salad dressing R???U?A?E 4-Something easy to hit ???? / M??? 5-Sharp.bitter ?????N?E?T 6-Joint monarchs WILLIAM AND MARY ?...