just trying to finish the above quiz, the answers required relate to section 3. british place names that include the name of a bird. 1. warmonger with "66 hero 2. did the morris men work here. 3....
eg Irate account=Crossbill 2. Grass reverses after the communist 3. Whisky precedes the confused sweetener for this flier. 14. Agitate idle wheel confusion 22. A dram returns before a point for our...
Hi, this quiz is on Arno Dewever's site - under other quizzes - How Well Do You Know Your Cars? I am stuck on this last one: 36) This people carrier would fit in perfect in Essex Thanks
I must be very dense, since these are too easy for anyone else to have had trouble with them! Hints, or answers, please, as I'm getting desparate! 67 Continue tediously after the game - but you may...