3.stm What would you put in - that would show what life in England is like today?... - an IVA application form - a 'get out of jail free' card - an XBox...
what was the first record you ever bought, and why? do u still like it now or hate it? mine was puppy love cos i fell in love with donny at the tender age of thirteen.
I had an answer banned this afternoon (I know, I'm ashamed ;-) ), and I can only think it's because it had the word f@g in it. Now I understand why this would be removed on an American forum, however...
what band members are gay? Because i'm just curious, i mean ok go look gay, in the her it goes again video. When all the band members go under the bald one. So i was wondering what celebrities are...
Morning I have tried soya milk and find it leaves a really strange taste in your mouth afterwards (a bit like cardboard). Has anyone tried rice or almond milk and would you recommend those over the...
I'm meeting my new BF parent's this weekend and I'm absolutely dreading it? They invited me to their dad's birthday dinner down in Manchester but I reckon it's just an excuse to have a good butcher's...
AB Editor, There is no button to report a 'pink' question, why is this? If a 'pink' question is posted to the wrong category, how the hell do we move it? Kindly remove the sunbed drivel from Body and...
The best poster 5 links on one post of the following will choose what charity I will donate ?25 to. The competition will seize at 01.15 hours. 1) A bearded old man 2) An Austin Metro 3) A beautiful...