Having some difficulties and would appreciate help!
13d, 3's leader's publication to protect in struggle at home. (10) Ihave ??I?W?R?N?
11a. Picture battleaxe as flower.(10) I have ??A?D?A???...
11 Across, T start naming excessive emotional demands,you would be this (5)
16 Across, Drunken bum endlessly quaffs litres(6) L?????
Many Thanks in Advance...
10 Across,Menswear shop's open about sex and more studly (9) 28 Across, A new boy attached to chief is beginning to tempt republican(14) 8 Down, How infection may lurk,making heart go towards a line...
fencing movement (?a?r?) another tip-dance is too formal (???b?t?c) explosive surrounds one with shade(4 Letters) ancient tribe requiring one nice change(5 Letters) an easy catch for a model(???t?r)...
Please can anybody help with the following clues; 3a-Lads fit out terribly small place - 6 and 4 letters 20a- can't manage to get soldier out in shape - 11 letters 24a- Uncle cam round to get one of...
Seem to be having a bad day, can anyone help with the following? 40a (5) Use up completely S-E-- 41d (7) Rootless wanderer --I-T-R 79a (8) Charismatic aura M-S-E-U- 72d (7) Gets even A-E-G-S Or have I...
1d Might indicate a source of electricity(5,5) 2d A greek character with sophistication and breeding (10) 15acr Something noticeable worked on our bits(9) 26acr College to undermine gardening...