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28a Entrancing (7) ?A?I?A? 32d Union (9) S?N?M?S?S Thanks
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Is there a time limit in how long a plastic bottle of Bacardi can be kept for? Found a bottle which must be at least 9 years old, will it still be drinkable? Thanks
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Last one, I have an answer which satisfies one part of clue but not it all. 45D. Musical librettist sounds like an apprentice (6) I have ?E?N?R - is the answer TENNER? I get sounding like librettist -...
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Is anyone watching this? If so what are your views? I can only say I LOVE IT!!
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13a Superstition (3,5,4)Old wives tale or Old wifes tale Thanks
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Help, please. 13a Extensive travellers log possibly improved, without rubbish. (12) -L-B-T-O---R. Thanks in advance for any help....
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3d Different climate (6.2.3) ?H?N?E O? ?I? and 63a Collect funds (5,5) R?I?E ?O?EY (not sure about letters) Thanks
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Last three any help please.... 7d After consideration (9) ?D?I?E??? 24a Scathing,Caustic (9) S?T?I???C 45d Keeping an eye on morals (9) ?E?S?R?A? Many thanx in advance....
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98a Estimate (5,4) R?U?H ?D?A, totally stuck on this one - Thanks
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Not really been following this story but from the news today I don't understand how 3 grown women were held hostage for 11 years by 1 man. Did he never sleep? Did he never go out? Surely these women...
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47d Extreme edge (5) ?L?N? (Flank?) Thanks
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Last one- can you assist please? 22 across It's compulsory for church to block closure. (8 letters) -N-O-C-D Thank you...
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14(a) Skin irritation (8) ?o???e?s (Soreness?) 4(d) In this position (4) ???e (here?) 75(a) Highly regarded (8) ?s???m?? 64(d) Grazing land for lambs (5-3) ?h??? r?? 59(a) Sleeveless coat (4) ?a??...
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14a.dither,act timidly(9)--------t 25a.ancient reptile with bony plates or spines(9)--------r 8d. illness patterns(8)---d---- 34d.---for,select(3)??? 43d.garish,gaudy(5)--r-d...
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Is it just me that has to crunch them???
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64d did,nt take no for an answer ?r?i?t?d and 40d comment, notice ?e?a?f i would put remark but i have oaf for 62a thanks in advance
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62a Ignorant lout (3) O?K (Oik, is there such a word?) Thanks
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64d. didn't take no for an answer ?r?i?t?d
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Brunette: I love the new shaving cream I got. It works great! It makes my legs feel so silky. Blonde: Shaving cream never works for me. I've given up on using it. Brunette: Are you sure your razor...
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16a show to be false (6) D----- 10d blackleg (4) O--- 11d prepare to do well (2, 2, 4, 6) -E, --, -O-R, -E-T-E something mettle? Any help appreciated...

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