Sunday Mail 9a) It's a bit of a saga, one going back to an Italian city. (5) 11a) It's stored by the quartermaster , neatly at the back of the ship (6) 3d) He rolls about in confusion and calls out...
8a Maths equipment (8,3) ?E??E?R? SET (thought symmetry set but the first E comes from 9d - time everlasting (8) I've put Everlasting, prpbably wrong somewhere) Thanks
Totally stuck at this side. Can anyone help? Thanks in anticipation.
Place side by side (9) -u-----s-
Embarrass (5) ---s-
Temporary decline (5) -a--e-
Stress (9) e-t--s-
Copy (9) i-a--t-e-...
28 a to turn a canal boat round in the opposite direction 4 letters ???d 32 a one who suggests 7 letters i?????r 20d botanical name for a pitcher shaped leaf 8 letters ?s?????m 30a amorphous silica...
Can anyone help with a four lettered word meaning GRANT. I have Y _ _ N - The Y coming from 60(d) overtly, candidly and the N from 67(d) Dario ( Franchitti), racing drive. Thanks in anticipation....