am doing a quiz and am stumped right from the word go , and help appreciated 1/queen honeybee been where she been, seen what she seen? 2/ 42 year old, blind on strip, not butt-head ? 3/ nebraskans...
6d theyre for aiming at the tourist attractions - - - - - - 7d cathedral in belfast - - / - - - - - 28d react over delapidated aircraft - - - t - 41d live for signing up dorothy and edward together -...
Channel 4 reality show first broadcast in January 2005. Every week, competing amateur chefs take turns at hosting a dinner party for the other contestants at their home. Each host is marked out of 10...
11/ lord, nanny, murder , mystery? 12/ 7th derby in mg? 13/ 12 sticky black feet, not new south? 14/ gray silver loin? 15/ little p shot in lobby? 16/ lake poets pal professes penchant for poppy? 17/...
1. american climbing plant related to the vine 8.7. 2. allusively, the criminal investigation dept og the met police 8.4. 3. herbacious u,s, plant,finely divided leaves,yellow flowers 10.5. 4. a form...
1. Wise men surround america 2. Fair play loses a good man 3. Twenty-one in rising tatters 4. Hunt eagerly to find this one 5. Spoil being ill abroad 6. Sailor loses his tail round the timeless shed...
Crossword page 101 12 Across - Make unrealistic claims for (8) O_ _ _S_ _ _ 16 Across - My Word! (8) _ _ _ _N_ _ _ 27 Across - Calm (9) _ _ _ _ _ _ E _ _ 29 Across - Times long ago (3,3,4) no letters...
10)Probably Adam's favourite (4,7) 16)here's another mess you have got me into, Paddy (5,4) 30)You can have all you want of what lies within (4) 22)Bread of Heaven (5) Thanks for any help
FreeCell has 1,000,000 games. There are 52 cards laid out as 4 columns of 7 and 4 columns of 6 cards. How many different combinations of this are there?
52. This one-time very popular drink developed in 1904 by Dr. George Wanderand and launched under what name? 88. Who "died" in 1971, aged 52, after being hit in the eye with a pork pie? Any help would...
Can anyone help me with these clues - what comes next? 5. Latvia, Turkey, Ukraine, Greece, Finland, Serbia 6. C, D,I,L,M,V 7 Yugoslavia, Canada, france, Norway, Japan, USA, Italy 16....
all answers by sound or spelling are items of eg: sounds very noisy =racket sport/leisure equipment 3. in a trifle we like lots of sherry. 7. direction follows leisure. 11. sole accompanied 3G's 18....
i know i have asked these before but i am really struggling all answers are places in europe 37 not happy and no more vermin 59 use wooded spoon to rotate and another name for burdot 61 snow and inlet...
Hi again everyone, what a surprize I am stuck again (after managing last weeks all on my own for once!) As usual and help is much appreciated :) 8 across Little girl read out first of lessons in big...