2) The concerts with an advert part way through 6)Salt, mustard, vinegar & pepper 11)River insects 17)Ride around the sea passages 22)Three weather reports 28)Single peas? 34)Not just an ordinary...
Daily Express Big Monday Crossword 39 Across) List of personnel detailing their turns or periods of duty (6) R?s??r Many thanks in advance :-) Warmest wishes on a cold wintry night, Bea :-)
5a Miraculous pair's DNAs agree ? (9) ?a?a???e? 3d Press a rebellious part of ancient Iran (5) ???i? 13a Water pipe to put into a kind of church shelter (5) ?h??? 14d Dispute a quarter entered...
3 to go....if 11d is "Readymade" what is 19a. Good-natured(6)....g-n-l- ?........27d..commotion, fuss(3_2).h- - - - -......and 42a..move(6) ..t---e-???????????? Thanks in advance
13 ones face dose, hopefully heading in the right direction 6,4,4 26 Too many jars? A large pot is the answer 5,6 42 This clairvoyant sounds like a student of dates4,7 67 were told he has a fondness...
3. a mean man's sweet exclamation (3,6) 6. sounds like it won't be dry my love (8) 8. smart scandinavian goes in reverse (9,6) 26. the traditional xmas dinner in early england was the head of a pig...
14)Angry lack of control present you are shortly 15)Short rush of activity 20)Water mass above sudden split 34)Absolute con artist 38)A drink that may come under the door (Not sure if the answer is...
7)First 8 key letters on head rest, not quite! 10)Homes for Apis 13)Penis 19)Run, run, run 25)Cold hands, warm heart for Maurice 30)Missing the X-factor for example 34)Found in Ibstock 48)100g of...
Does anybody know the origin of this expression? Why a "gift Horse"? Also, any idea why, if the plural of goose is geese, then why is the plural of mongoose not mongeese?
37)Famous Russian gymnast (4,6) 2)A famous singer (9,6) 7)Was "saying his prayers" (11,5) 17)This queen became a queen (8) 3)He was eaten by a lion (6) thanks for any help
Please can anyone help? 1 Alternative to a biscuit with coffee (5, 3) 2 Eaten with cheese or not (9, 4) 3 Are these porkers keping warm (4, 2, 8) 4 Traditional accompaniment toturkey (9) 5 A red...