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Any help appreciated. 3d (5 letters) Restorative, note ?O?I? 22a (5 letters). Film: John Carpenter's The ----------: what a night out! ?H?A?
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these characters will get right woman e?t?e?
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39 across. Patriarch stiffly correct, reversed corruption consisting of self-importance (12) P?I?O???????
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Hockey Nut
finish huge reproduction in this procedure
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6. eat now sleepy head 11. bird of prey's badge 19. boxer's jab train tracks 20. urban mating 22. treaty? no treaty? 24. agreeable cost 25. wartime minister with spouse 26. pinnacle outfit
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each clue leads to the name of a bird 1. Sounds like you are jeering it 2. Forest caper 3. Attractive girl goes after the fish 4 Communist whisky 5. Nocturnal drink thanks for any help
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Yarmouth b........ its got 8 letters including the b for example Yorkshire P udding Cambridge B.....6 letters bristol F....... 7 letters
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6d - Look up dictionary - 'potassium' appears twice (5) I have D?K?O " One Across - Search " site gives possible DEKKO I get Dekko for looking, and KK for 2 potassiums but is DEO or...
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15D) Chaps climbed over melting igloos to find coinage (9 LETTERS) N?O???I?M 20D) Alliance returned essentially secure (4 LETTERS) N??? 23A) Boxer put in thousands in loose change for twins(10...
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Can anyone tell us what the answer to this is? page 29 celeb word match, identity blank ground. We have the answer to the puzzle, but this last answer is driving us both mad - please help, we can't...
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Jan Merolant
57 B in a H 70 = HMM to B, TSM and T 86 = M in A C on P94 (PE) 95 = LMRN in C 98D = (an ABB) Happy Valentine
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Can anyone help decipher the following ; 427796399327 - another head scratcher !
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3) As I as PP Thanks if you can help me on this one
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Phrase:- Yes he oft wore torn hood........ Sorry have no clues,Could be the name of a person, place or thing, thanks for any help
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413 MBL and E by C Any ideas?
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has anyone got a good memory. 1 born london 1769 2 anything else just isn't tennis 3 full of lovely stuff 4 try something new today 5 i'm loving it THANK YOU
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murdoch's prizewinner
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5d Presumably they leave their money to work for them (4,4) 12a A stirring march tune may be what weary walkers long for (8) 18a They search for different gears (8)
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What is 3 B to the B in a W 1024 TFMPT
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I have 85 of these and am really struggling with the last 9. Q17 Confuse Queen but rile right student Q23 We get good man to Irish internet Q30 Iron collar that is to lose backward artist Q40 Look at...

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