q1 is it illegal to smoke one[5] q2 bar across river[5] q3 pass[4] q4 deep voiced rock[4] q5 an excess may have killed a king[7] q6 morses grey head[6] q7 are traps set to catch one[5] q8 what killed...
Clues Please - can you help me finish this quiz?
1 Get your public's view (6)
4 Baby Terry's one (9)
6 Domesticated Llama (6)
7 A raincoat (9)
23 Super calendar gives sheeting (7)...
q1 the shore line
q2 container
q3 tooth holder
q4 cricket bats are made from this
q5 what you see in the mirror
q6 every whip has one
q7 a town in colorado...
Food and drink related questions again.....be glad when these are all don, but I do have until the end of June to do them.. *This boat is not going down *Along with the golden pear was this one...
answers include the word car. record and performer. 1.D by TC 2.AAO by MC 3. C by SQ 4. HIAPOE by BC 5. JIMC by DH 6. PMP by TC 7. M by LDR. Have found these very difficult any help appreciated....
Sorry gave wrong letters for ' things seen in a field' question - should read LIVE NOT JACKETS,7 letter word, the other question being - CANINE ASSISTANT 8 letters
people are going to use it. (4)E???
Detect that internal electronic song has been tweaked (4-5) ???e-?u???
Nail detective poet(7) ?p?n???
To wander in tree is almost sinful (7) ?E?I?T?...
meaning to go with the tide [5] d???? still she works when employer is looking [7,5] ??????? ??d?? -sth madam ? does somehow include record that's put down [6] ??p??? lack of proportion of one...
Hi, I need help with the last 6 questions please. The answers are all islands. 7) Welshman in South Australia (6) 8) Time consumed by an Indian (5) 10) Short officer and killer (7) 11) Bad French,...
Stuck on a lot today, any help appreciated Carriage ?????? Match Military ????? Ceremony Foreign ?????? of honour bake ????? fold Cut up ????? diamond find ?????? conscience Many thanks, brain not...
Hi I'm new to hear but hope you can help me.I'm doing a quiz on fabrics and am stuck on two.
French surprise in Scottish plaid (8)
Bringing hampers for pretty things(7)
Thank you for any help....