please could anyone give clues to the following- we waved to the fair maiden leaning against the (7) the cabin boy named (8) ..when drunk they did in fact (7) furniture determined to put it straight...
These are all places in Britain and are cryptic. The number of letters are in brackets. Thanks for your help! Loud capital (5) Support (5) Youngsters surround direction (6) Sounds like bench with...
More from my local village quiz. I've still got about half a dozen answers left to find from the original 50, but I'll ask for just one at a time The clue could be a quote, saying, phrase or title...
8. Clean up on the Avon (4)
9. Gain new feeding skills (7)
11. Needed to ensure no germs (10)
22. Eat with old fashioned affection (5)
24. Sounds if this fish is caught (8)...
21. Sounds as if this animal likes to play golf on a course by the sea. (4) 22. .....while this one is an authority on stamp collecting(6) 26. This animal always keeps very close to the bushes at the...
11a.prepare for shift(5)d?e?s 12a.a geek turns a student in identifying stimulant(9)a?r?n?l?a 23a.through indiscretion appear an ass.something to do with mule?(3,4,4,2,2)??t?n?s?o?t?n?t 24a.kicking...
please could someone give me a clue to my last one -
answers are football teams-
'we PRESTON regardless and eventually met a group of (7 letters) dressed in LINCOLN green'
16a college film showing (4) - - - n 20a yes in spain, our y trapped animal before I made Japanese dish (8) - - - i - a - i 22a stripe right inside cut of meat (6) - - - e - k 17d tease relative after...
1) Is this the nodding dog in the back window?? (6) 2) He really likes this office furniture! (4,3) 3) Where they put the sharp ones in the Maze? (5,5) 4) Two on the wall? (6) 5) P,B,G,A,L,R,F,T,...