11ac People turned out to ride? (7) I?H?B?T INHIBIT or INHABIT? and why? 12ac Charlie's crack heralding interminable row (7) C?A?L?N must CHAPLIN but cant parse it 28ac Glen returning clasp holding...
14a Occult sign for minute-men (11) - e-----r-e- 18a Slightly steep (7) -o----- 11d The man surrounded by summonses performs anguished contortions (7) -r----- 15d Various padres used a file (6) ----e-...
q1 female with a record
q2 at first she had run every winter
q3 gold cup found in a tree
q4 part of your leg
q5 cuffs or golf
q6 its just a shower darling
q7 this could make a short race...
Please can anyone help
24 across One's lover talked of Duncan 7 letters
Also 23 down Space accommodating unspecified number 5 letters
thanks in anticipation...
35,Nest on Ian's roof or somewhere like it. 36,Lard,butter,margarine. 38,Was elizabeth stung all round. 40,Give the PM another letter. 44,We've had hail,snow,wind,sun,everything 47,Green cloak? No.of...
Struggling to get going today. 8d Muhammad Ali's short cloak in film (3,5,6) No letters sorry 18d Piper's son under baseless charge is to get to feel used ? (8) --C-----. 14a Put new blood into...
Would appreciate help with final clues. Can't sort out lower left section. 15d. Evaluating a small saw.(8) I have ?S?A???? 14d. Hospital in the Alps, newly-built with a fitness centre.(6,3) I have...
53) Person who lacks refinement(5,7) 56) Singer/songwriter (4,7)........I thought this was Gary Barlow, but the number of letters are not right for the surname. Can anyone also tell me if there is a...
Really stuck on a few all help gratefully received, thanking you in advance :- All answers contain a double t in them 10 We have one of these - look up and You"ll see it (9) 31a light bat for...
Stuck on this one, any ideas please?
three words which sound the same but spelt differently... where wear ware
...and underneath them in big bold capitals VIBGYOR...
Thanks to all who helped me before: here are some more i am stuck on and got to hand it in soon so need more help, thanks. 1. They sang of restless waters (5,3,5) 2. He tiptoed through the tulips...