I have an iphone3 and have been given a second hand iphone4. The iphone 4 has a smaller SIM card than my iphone3. Can I transfer the information on my iphone3,such as photos,contacts and mobile...
Spent most of day on this Xword.3 left.Help required.Thanks in advance. Woman's brief version of spacewalk. ??A Positive or negative reception of old southern country by emperor. N?? ???O Knight to...
NE corner quite bare.These would help. Box not quite fitting order,(4) Activity for rogue flier(4) Uncomfortable cox settled for what's literally restrictive. ?L?S?D ???? Closed shop or closed door?...
Attacks amateur avarice,perhaps by sending books back.Answer looks like Rams into. But where does the R come from? French son gets lighter. D???S Government helps to screw the poor finally. P???R...
Thanks to previous help,nearly finished.
Outstanding soprano appears with unfamiliar tenor. S???E??
A disguise when speaking offers benefit.A?A??
In itself 10 makes 10 then.?E??. Clue 10 is U-TURN...
At a dead end. These would get me going again.I hope. At first,rehearsing with whole cast is useful.10 letters In sports,nobody has a beard? Be careful what you say.5,4,4 Pineapple contains popular...