Minn. State Rep Steve Simon- a Democrat, spoke out against Republican efforts to set up a vote next year to lock a ban on gay marriage into the state constitution. I can't believe this didn't trump...
What do you think about man bags? i know they are very practical but don't you think they look slightly effeminate? Am I correct in thinking they are mostly used by gay men or is that a misconception?
Hi we are arranging a christening for my niece in 2 weeks and a few family members are chipping in with the food, by making sandwiches ect, we have invited 125 people. We cant afford a caterer and...
im thinking of doing a blog thingy..... not particularly for anyone else though if anyone does read it then whatever....... its something ive not done before and i dont really go reading blogs so ive...
With the impending lack of rubbish videos being posted on AB may I suggest this one. Who needs a guitar?
Any other suggestion for rubbish youtube videos?...
There are rules on this site about verbal bullying and such like but it seems it only applies to others and not to a certain person. There are one or two people who have been suspended for sticking up...
The man next to me stinks I’m using the computer in the public library and the person next to me stinks so much that I feel sick. The man is obviously a dropout and is a regular in the library....
Is back on next week. I'm looking forward to it and seeing the cute little lambs running and jumping around the field.
I should really give up eating lamb :o(...
http://uk.reuters.com...idUKTRE72U44N20110331 ///dward Stobart, who turned the family trucking company into one of Britain's best-known brands as his distinctive green and white lorries thundered...
mail on sunday 25d the annual plant trifolium arvense two words 5 letters and 4 letters.21 across french writer critic and translator died 1951. 4 letters. thanks in anticipation.
For a few minutes I kept hearing this kind of muffled noise that kind of sounded like someone in the garage or next door using an electric drill for a few seconds at a time, every 10 or 20 seconds. I...