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My hubby just had a sliding experience in the frozen snow as he was coming home from Christmas shopping.As we live off a hill,the car wanted to carry on going down,even though he had it in reverse.The...
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If you don't mind answering this question, what religion were you before you became an athiest? With most people I assume you were brought into a family with some religious belief and decided to give...
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gelda, wiffey, legend, gravitate and Man-On-The-Top-Of-The-Clapham-Omnibus?
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Buy from iceland?
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What's your fave... 1. Christmas Tipple? 2. Old movie? 3. Christmas Confectionery? 4. Animated Movie? 5. Thing to do on Christmas Eve? Moi... 1. Champagne 2. My Fair Lady 3. Chocolate-covered Dates 4....
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Been watching this on bbc2 its really informative about how life was in those days,they worked really hard,as anyone one watched this series?
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The day before a lot of us do out big christmas food shop is a bit of an empty cupboard day,so I was wondering whats everyone having,hoping to get some inspiration.Everyone seems to be shopped out or...
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when did it change that you had to top it up every month?
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i was sick for 12 hrs yesterday and today at 4 am i woke up with the worst diarrhoea.. just moved in with fiance, quiet embarrassed. So just said i as sick and had to change sheets. Anyone know what...
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i hope there is a god this world is a bad place and 4 the first time in my life im goin 2 join in on the fun of hate take and ki// just wanted help this was the last time i try under gods eye s now im...
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In this weather I find it's best to use a car cover overnight, but although it keeps the car nice and dry it's a nightmare to get dry again before the next use. Apparently they are not meant to be...
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My sister has filled out an application form for a cristian centre nursery as a cook, the odd thing being that half the form asks about her religeous life (outside of church too !!!) What The...
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For various reasons I have had to sign on for the first time in years. I am now worried that they have left me high and dry over the x-mas period. My next payments are due in a few days time and I was...
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Hi, I tried to play Timesplitters 2 (PS2) online on my PS3, but it wouldn't connect or find players. What's wrong, was there just no one on, or have they shut the servers down? What? I'm quite...
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I sometimes watch the bbci player through both my tv and ps3 and it is much better than when I watch it on my computer.At first I thought it was because of my broadband connection,but the ps3 has put...
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Bear with me on this... My dad used to play medal of honor on the PS1 and I could have sworn their was a bit with a robot thing that sort of looked like a clown or something. Nobody believes me and I...
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I have often heard lady acquaintances of mine say, whilst surreptitiously adjusting themselves, "My bum is eating my knickers" So, how do you cope with wearing a thong?

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