I need to wake up slowly in the morning. I also HATE being tickled. So if I am woken up by being tickled, this is going to make me feel murderous. FOR AGES. I know its only fun, but it really does...
We have had noisy fireworks in our area for 3 evenings now, and my pussy-cats are frightened. Should there be a law that they should only be allowed on Nov 5th? I cannot keep my darling *** in...
I am thinking of making a kitchen chopping board out of a slab of Mahogany 1" thick. It would be used for preparing/cutting vegetables, meat, fish, poultry etc. My questions are: 1. Would I have to...
Ed I will abide by your decision but can you please explain what the difference is with me posting pictures of me and other users having their pictures as avatars?
Thank you...
I have two nylon shopping bags which I keep in my handbag so I don't need to buy a plastic bag for any odd bits of shopping I need. One of these comes in a pouch with a popper, which keeps it nicely...
whose man enough (or woman enough for that matter, but you know what I mean without getting all sexist) to admit publicly on this site that you may have been wrong, or in the wrong? Ive had to...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-5027717/Twitter-slams-Adam-Sandler-touches-Claire-Foy-s-knee.html When has a female trousered knee become a sex object? I don't suppose a sexual thought...
An apology for my rant last night. I'd had the day from hell. Some of my comments were unfair and unwarranted. But there are some serious problems for SOME users of this site. Like a lot of other...
We're having leg of lamb, roasties, peas, carrots, broccoli, sprouts and chestnuts, creamed spinach, mint sauce and gravy. Raspberry bakewell cake for afters.
How about you?...
Tried numerous times to reply to others but cant. Constantly get adverts that choke up the site Get answers removed for no reason that I...or others...can't see Different platforms give different...
I am now custodian of the birthday book..sunny Anne is enjoying a quiet retirement and time in the sun... if anybody would like to be added to the said book please add your details here ......
Very sadly I am going to have to come to the decision to have Toby, put to sleep. He is loved dearly by my granddaughters, especially my nine year old, so it’s gong to be very hard. If she asks to...
Due to AB swear filters I can't stay what I think about the scrum who did this. http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/kitten-thrown-moving-car-m62-13781463 It is totally...
Maybe this will also cover the breeding of German Shepherds with the acutely sloping backs that appear to be sought after by the people that show these poor unfortunate dogs. From the Times...