Stuck on these clues any help appreciated One in trouble is ordered to get garment for work (6,4) Standard form filled with nonsense automatically (6-7) Heartless person, one disrupting settled area...
difficult crossword this week any help with these appreciated
Reform of laws, sane, ethicaland immaculate (5,2,1,7
Fight to keep Rhode Island inshape (8)
Brief rest at inn, refreshed (9)...
The last two and im finished for the day, answers appreciated
Court star with degree oferror, sadly losing love (5,7)
Track bearing north and south and back (7)...
Groggy, finally managedrest after plain old hangover
cure? (7,6
Bad temper in schemerestricting English trade union
and church (9)
Note nonsense about man in court (8)...
Morning All, Need help with the following Many thanks . Stupid, we adapted with time running out and became aware (5,2 Dog’s price doubles on board outside front of inn (8,7 Liberal club in process...
Morning , I need help with the following clues please Open day in university, Id guess, chaotic (11) Agile thief in saloon, say,grabbing food with thanks,turned and left (3,7) Economist’s answer...
Minds blank today help needed please with the following
Fellows taken in by devious effect, false modesty (4-10)
Reliable police officer with watchword back in base (6-8)
Hi all, can you help me with the answer to these clues please Blissful place, Italian city, not one gripped by fear (9) Following hesitation over treatment of rat I go to get pest controller (9)...
Stuck on the following , would appreciate any help
Act badly in opera, lacking heart for musical work (7)
Development of main adult state (5,4)
many thanks...
Good morning all, can you help me with the following clues please Playing versus Spain, see convincing quality (14) Game in social event involving crowd with energy (9 Writer of comments from Wigan,...