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if you could live one day over and over again what would the day be or more specifically the event that makes you want to live it over and over again??????? tia
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that I am going to hoover up. and do the dishes, how bad is that?
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In my opinion, islam is the greatest threat threat to our society and culture becuase it preaches violence and the koran has an agenda of worldwide domination. Added to that, our lily livered...
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how do u go about tracing were some1 lives?
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Are any girls on here looking for a boyfriend? I'm looking for a girlfriend, so if any girls want to go out with me, just ask and i will respond in due course! Cheers!
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Beverly hills cop brilliant or great ? Eddie murphy funniest in trading places or doctor doolittle? Most infectious laugh.Sid james or eddie murphy? Donkey in shrek movies do you think he looks like...
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any 1 from runcorn on here?
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Hi Guys, Does anyone know if you can get girdles for men? or something to hold the gut in. Not that I am asking for me or anything like that, its a friend, well a friend of a friend stop sniggering! I...
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how do I get an advert to download for my assignment
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subject at school? Were the bright, were you a dunce, were you the school bully - or did you just keep to yourself?
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Why did so many german people get sucked into the ideology?
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Do you like skinny men? You know the sort - 34" chest, size 7 can count the conkers down their backs...... Guys - Do you like skinny women? You know the sort - no chest at all, gangly...
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a) Go out with someone who wore an "obvious" wig. b) Go out with someone who wore false teeth but never kept them in?
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Lucy Thomas
Should all muslims be removed from the electoral register. This would effectively bar them from politics in this country because you have to be on the list to stand for parliament. The fact that a...
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Thongs.Hot or not ? Read a book or watch dvd ? When was the last time a pretty woman or guy caught your eyes glare ? Does what goes around really xcome around in your opinion? Open relationships , do...
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i have a date next weekend yes yes unbelivable i know i need to lose 5 pounds in weight - for then wat are my chances and do u have any tips ? thanks lovers im at work so will reply later thank u x
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had a terrible day yesterday! some daft t*rt crashed into me. and now i have just spilt a cup of tea all over my; desk, keyboard, self, work i have been doing for about a week! someone just let me go...
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Well has anyone yet watched it? what you think? i thought a very hard film even worse when you think its based on true life.
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the 5niper
Anyone know why the Americans call delaying something a "rain cheque"? TIA
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hi everyone, not a good start to this chatterbanking, was gonna be called mouse, but somehow missed the u, out. does everyone know each other on here in real life?

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