1. he has a job to keep going (6) _ _ R _ _ _ 2. where to, say, fade away (6) _ _ T _ E R 3. Cleric partly incorrect, or is he? (6) _ _ _ T _ R 4. Cutters to try in ship (6) _ _ E _ RS 5. Looked like...
7d A rock mass ormountain peak shaped like a needle. A?G?I??? 8d Placental mammal from S. America. e.g anteater E?E?T??? 18a In cards a sequence of three in the same suit ?I?R??
Last 2!! Can anyone help please? 14a Become tiresome, yet begin as a mate. P?L?Y 42a The clue is in picture form and I don't know what it is. ?E?I? Thanks in advance!
Here again,one of these days I'll finish it without help. 6down,Name tag inside on display, ?E????????? .13across,Foreigner in love (male one) O????,17across,Touch of a record player,disc...
24 Across Parking allowed in Scottish river now it's empty (7) D _ _ _ E _ E 22 Down Guys fondle topless stripper at the front (5) R _ _ _ S Any ideas, anyone, please? Thank in advance.
7d a rock mass or mountain peak shaped like a needle(8) 31a a type of latin american bigband dance music or dance (5) 6a gruesome, ghastly or grim (7) 15d a hot body of burning gas (5) THANK YOU
I'm absolutely stumped with a few last clues, hope someone out there can help ... 17a - greenish brown colour (5) ----- 24 a - completely destroyed (5) .---e- 61 a - watership down character (5) -----...