23a film of 1961 directet by blake edwards from the truman capote [9'2'8] 4d[9]hypocrition character in dikens martin chuzziewit 38a [2'8] seaport in franc on the bay of biscay 9d [9] helmet named...
hi folk's stuck on last few, all help is appreciated. thanks
46a. covered in gold. G??D
44a. remnant. U???E?T. i am thinking unspent??
45d. modified racing car. ??A?ST?R
thanks again. :)...
The answers to these clues are items of clothing
Clue Of thick, coarse,woollen cloth with hood 6 and 4 letters
Clue And Y you are ill tempered 5 letters
Any help much appreciated...
11) Bovine animals (6) C A T T L E? 2) Element, factor (6) _ E _ A _ L 5) American singer: Queen of Soul (6,8) _ R _ T _ A/ _ R _ N _ L _ W 18) Nickname for British soldier during the American...
26a please. a virtual volume of text existing only electronically, 1/4 I have E/*O*K ?? e work? Never heard of it, so maybe someone can help please. Thanks
Can someone please help? All answers have to contain MAN as a word or part of a word. I am stuck on the answer to the clue: Skilful display. ( Number of letters are not given). I already have the...