14A Know practical way to prepare starter (5,8) I have "Fruit Cocktail" which makes 15D v.odd. 15D Father struggling during success that is not convincingly developed (5-4) I have "??I?F?R//?H?N". 14D...
TWIMC In the days before my Computer crashed, having picked up a virus fron a Google result on the actress Lopez (DT Giant XWord 22/12), I had a very nice Crossword Solver to go with Answer Bank -...
16D Partying? Or working? (9) I have L??O?R?N?. Cannot find a word to fit. Could be "Loitering" if 15A is "DILL" and 20A was not "EGOMANIA"!! Help appreciated.
9A 'Polypeptides produced by the pituitary gland' I have "E?D?R?H?N?" = 'Edorphons'? Googling this last word gets 'funny' sites while googling key words of question gets learned medical sites but no...
'Omnibus query' -57A Migratory Diving duck (9), I have "G?L???E?E" 66A Cocktail (7) I have "??R????" 73A Child Prodigy (10) I have "?U???R????" 49D Clothes Horse (5) I have "?I???" Grateful for help...
10A "Space for development" (8) I have 'D?O?ROOM', did have 'DARKROOM' before getting 'Castor' for 2D! Somebody plse point out the error of my way(s). Ta.
26A 'Lad held ring readily' (4). I have S?O? and 57 possible words using these letters in that order but, for life of me ,cannot reason which one fits. Grateful for pain reliever.
Anybody still out there? Bottom LH corner of c?word giving me grief. 13D 'Feel wrapper for fuse' (10) I have T?U?H???E? 17d 'Taking care of intellectual powers before outbreak of 'flu' (7) I...
19A 'Penny not right among fruit trees to have a duck'(7). I have "ORCHARD" with the 'D' giving me "DECOKED" for 20D. 19D 'Not hit below the belt during fight' (5-2). I had "PUNCH-UP" which doesn't...
17D 'Perfomer of take-offs (8). I have "???R?P?R". Pilot or Impersonater come to mind but don't fit -'improper' is the only word my gizmo offers. 18A Link sheep that is included (3-2). I have "???-?P"...