1 NAMA is headquartered in treasury house Dublin. Which property developer. Is the landlords 2 which film was the surprising top grossing movie at the Irish box office in 2011 ( it featured no...
26shoe mending implements (4) h?e? 27 without European overseas heads euro in trouble facing this (4) r?i? 29 ready without a character to build a nest (4) d?e? 20 a measure to get up or down (4) ?t?p...
3 a measure of herring to berry the turkey (4)?r?n 47 great Scott sci if film (5)a?i?n 61 bound for a batsman each and every one (3)r?? 66 twinkle toed cervine server of santas (6)?a?c?r Thanjs...
18 Santa winged it we hear up the chimney (4) ???e 25 so cast as kind (4) ??pe 27 nothing explains how the mind sometimes goes(5)?l?n? 30 stateside greeting by the banks of the river (4) o?i? 71 would...
8 she of the thousand days some can never name (4) ?n?? 22 Keats rewrite of stokers monsters demise(5) ?t?k? 27 live within the south- that's your way out (4) e?i? 26 apples association with her goes...
11 one who coughs and splutters (7) ?h?e?e?
27 speak loudly in complaint (5,3) ???n? o??
25 speak boringly for far too (4,3,5) ???d the ?l?o?
22 aimless long winded talk (6) ?a???e
13 allan ad a-fresh as hawkeye in MASh (4) ?l?a
15 space odyssey (4) t?e?
18 C versus L describes the battle scene (15) ?o?f?o?t?t?o?a?
26 eagle of the lake (4) e?n?
10 shes valuable tropical trees (9) ??s?w?o?s
11 shes mediterranean agriculturla land (5,6) o?i?e ???v??
1 hes a flat maize US foodstuff (6,4) j???e? ?a?e
24 unofficial EU country name (7) ??l???d...
1 the price is short at this time even with a friendly head start (4,2,4) ?i?e ?o ?o?r 24 the price of a one to one contest. (4,5) even ???e? 13 such a horse could be worth a kings ransom (4) ?i?e 27...
19 racy, off colour (6) r?s?u? 18 cock a hoop, over the moon (8) e?u?t?n? rte guide 8 turner, the artiste, ain't around anymore (4) ?i?a 6 exhausted like you might be at 16 down (down and out is 16...
9 with spring in step, ongoing slogan of every soldiers song (8,2,2,7) ??r???n? o? ?? ?????o? 18 first of a force of funny films? cannot agree, sorry, nothing less about it (5,2,8) ???r? ?? s???e?n?...
1 exclamation befitting the most exalted of explorers (5,5) ?r?a? s?o?? 20 might that light above be already extinguished (4) ???r 12 " i go backto the end of the question word to start"...