13 allan ad a-fresh as hawkeye in MASh (4) ?l?a
15 space odyssey (4) t?e?
18 C versus L describes the battle scene (15) ?o?f?o?t?t?o?a?
26 eagle of the lake (4) e?n?
9a rottonicon - - n - o - t - - - 10a filtered through tension - t - - - - - d 11a tale bearer from the bank t - l - - - 12a how trim it is to have trams back - m - - - 20a soothsayer should be one of...
10 shes valuable tropical trees (9) ??s?w?o?s
11 shes mediterranean agriculturla land (5,6) o?i?e ???v??
1 hes a flat maize US foodstuff (6,4) j???e? ?a?e
24 unofficial EU country name (7) ??l???d...
1 the price is short at this time even with a friendly head start (4,2,4) ?i?e ?o ?o?r 24 the price of a one to one contest. (4,5) even ???e? 13 such a horse could be worth a kings ransom (4) ?i?e 27...
9 with spring in step, ongoing slogan of every soldiers song (8,2,2,7) ??r???n? o? ?? ?????o? 18 first of a force of funny films? cannot agree, sorry, nothing less about it (5,2,8) ???r? ?? s???e?n?...
1 exclamation befitting the most exalted of explorers (5,5) ?r?a? s?o?? 20 might that light above be already extinguished (4) ???r 12 " i go backto the end of the question word to start"...
11 a (line goes down at a slope) e (6) a?l?p? 13 whale genus found in majorcn waers (4) ???a 25 ow a hood becomes the head (6) ???n?? 28 aurora as they say stateside (5,5) ???s? light 17 best left to...
12 it only takes one to set up a pool player (5) ?g?m? 22 eventually almost had the whole world on his back (5) ?t?a? 26. .... Wading marsh bird.... Or grouse (4) r?i? 7 warning from a fair way off...
2 apt movie for judy garland and barbara streisland to make a name in (1,4,2,4) ? s?a? ?s ?o?n 17 on for a glen miller gem (2,3,4) ?n ?h? m?o? 23 ... bound to be unavailable (4,3) t?e? up thanks...
Stuck on a few: 17d Exhilarating, rip-roaring (9) T?R???i?G 17d Adheres, honours (6,2) ?T????,?O 24a In a han-fisted way, ineptly (8) ??U?S??? 26a Words of wisdom, bon mots (7) S?Y?N?? Thanks in...
11 call them jackals just for the laugh (6) h?e??? 7 star trekker with all the data (4) ?a?? 16 doesnt cartoon tom take off like one in the cooling water (7,3) s?a?d?d ?a? 25 ... to endlessy enjoy the...
8 german cinema - hear roy or robbie cry (4) ?i?o 18 funambulist..... with no strings attached (9,6) ?i?h????? ?????? 15 a quick way for consumers to quit (4) ???? 14 be off like a rabbit (3,2) h?? ?t...
14 american poet of sterling character (5) p?u?? 21 cartoon character would only be half there without the cap (4) a??? 28 Can North and South leaders' sole u turn become agreeable to most (10)...
18 which word describes the texture and pattern of a piece of wood (5) ?r?i?
5 with which organisation do you associate matt baggot (1,1,1,1) ?s?i