still some puzzles 8a It was on the border. Yes it was, by Gad (7) I have H?S?B?N 15d Talkative Greek soldier in the right places (9) I have T?E?S?T?S and 17d Sun-goddess, female in two forms,...
1d His poet misled in OT (7) I have P???I?? (Must be an anagramme of 'his poet', but can't work it out!)
7d Play upset? (3,5,4) I have ???A???? A?T (act?)
Grateful for all help...
Two to go. 8d. One's enthralled by a brass instrument and large tin from a long- ago metalwork teacher. (5-4) I have T?B?L?A?? 19a Browning's accompanies the book (4) I have R??? Thanks for...
A few puzzles. 7d Where Alice was on stage in 1973. (2,3) I have I?B?? 23a Worry about fate in Tom's game. I have H?R?O?R? 15a My letters to Julie were famously romantic. I have R?U?S??? Grateful for...
Stuck on three. 3d Italian river is including a lake. (8) I have T?B?R?A? 6d Hurry that distant story writer (6) I have R???O? 10a Coin a description of Hardy's dames. (5) I have ??B?E Grateful for...
Problems with a few. 5 d The kind of chivalrous mysticism that inspired the concept of Sir Galahad. I have C?R?E???A?N. Looks like Circensian, but I don't know why that would be right. 26a Bird-water...
1a A race to jocosely split from producer of Wonderland (5,5,5) I have ??Y???A???O?T??
11a Dick could have been a name for this partner of John. (8) IHav e ??E???C?...
Puzzled by a couple. 2d Lamb with early breakfast for one angry with David. I have E?I?B. 3d must be Lyttleton, but that only works if it is spelled Lyttelton as 11a must be emblem. 4d Fit-sounding,...
18a Ancient kingdom inhabited by Byron, Priestley and Huxley. I thought it mist be Albion, but now have A?B?N?. And I'm sure that N is correct! 1a Student on Good Companion poet (any connection to...
Stuck on two. 9a Linguistics of comment on "Ring" record(unknown quantity)I have ??O?S?L???12a Declining German Family upset red "Bund" in written works. I have ?U?D???R?O?S...
Puzzled by 5d Novelist in garden to furnish flower containers, say. (4,10). I have E?E? P?I?L?Q?T? (Not sure about the Q) 3d Retreat after the conflict in Barchester. the garden or the warden would...
Stuck on a couple. 11d Hit for Garbo as O'Neill's original Chris Christofferson (4, 8) I have ?N?A ???????E
18a Fine French month is a reversal for dramatist. (12) I have ????M?R???I?...
Some tricky ones this time! How about 17d Philosophical interpreter of the Tarot of Marseille. I have ??S???T?S and 2d Organist at St Mark's, Venice, shows sales item by returning it. I have L?T?I. Is...