Medical specialist takes not very good measure of heat content, (7), e???o?? Jack's steering apparatus did not start to shake, (6), Made secret plots that were fascinating, (9), ????i?u?? Friends...
Freer Politician taking very long time to start reforms, (9), l?b?r????
Charged one member performing duet, (7), i?????d
Old church taking part includes right extract, (7), e?????t...
Planner Hercules could have accepted old penny, (9), S???????? Smuggled spirit that could only be seen after dark, (9), ????????t Master spy in battle, (7), M?????a Very small quantity of money...
Feeble for a few days we hear, (4), Is it week or weak?
Prove to be right to form even right margin, (7), ???t?f?, Is it certify or rectify?
Throw one medal in during dance, (6), ??i???...
Exorbitant demand from old lawsuit, (8), e???t??? Accurate but not artistic presumably, (10), ?c???t???c Increased supply and demand towards more expensive tastes, (8), ?p?????? Tax or cheat, (8),...