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Already asked this of the guys adn thought it only fair to ask the ladies too. You and a friend both fancy the same man but your friend seems to be a touch ahead of you in the competition for his...
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Why don't men put the toilet seat back DOWN after they pee. does my *(%$?+@* head in Next time its going to get slammed on it....yes I mean ON it
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why dont women put the blinking toilet seat up when they are finished back at you barmaid lol
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They seem to have gone right off the road. Ha Ha end of school run
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I had a text from Icey today........doped up but alive was how she described herself!...C'mon folks-can we have at least 100 "Get Well" messages here?? Here's mine: Wishing you a VERY speedy...
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What has everyone got planned for tonight and the weekend? Are you out and about or do you have to work?
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I am chilling out, having a nice wee drinky, so what are you having? Alcoholic or non- alcoholic it doesnt matter. Sit down, kick off your shoes and relax :) Hxx
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granny grump
My son in law has two endorsements for speeding on his licence which he has just renewed. The recent one he is aware of and he had one in 1993 but he truly cannot remember the one that is shown for 3...
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Can anyone suggest a couple of names for my 2 female tabby kittens plse.
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is that phrase offensive
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and read the posts such as 'I've been done for abh / drink driving / no MOT and or insurance / insert crime committed (on the whole) by total k**b heads' for entertainment??
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Smoking, shoes, chocolate etc......?
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For good this time. I have to admit that I have fouled up bigtime. I thought that I was the most popular person on here, and for many years I was. But I could never offer thongs or naff sports cars,...
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eeeuuuuuuwwwwwww t/
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Hi all, was wondering if you can help out. We have recently bought a holiday home and want to ensure that it is non smoking - however the agency that is renting it out this summer state that we cannot...
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Its scorchio here 80 degres.Sop ive got a bity of a dilemma.Do i have a cold beer from the fridge , or one of the following.cola lite , cream soda , irn bru ,sprite , lucozade or lucozade orange ?...
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What are the laws about people who threaten you verbally? Are there any? TIA
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my OH found a clip of porn on the internet on his phone (i dont mind him looking by the way) he was being a bit funny with me for a couple of days then he finally come out with what was bothering him,...
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how do i find out the year my house was built

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