the parts of monasteries or convents canonically separated or restricted as the living quarters of the religious -n-l-s-r-s enclosures or inclosures?? Dubliner sir william rowan?????? great...
arched surfaces for sustaining bodies by their movement through the air such as the wings of an aircraft or a bird a-r-f-i-- experts in law,especially ancient laws l-g---s legates???
semi metallic element used mainly in alloys and chemical compounds a-t-n-m- james joyce,s final the title noted for the absence of an apostrophe ----e---s-a-- in the east a nurse or maidservant...
an indication of voting taken by an orginisation by asking people how they voted in an election as they leave a polling station WOULD THIS BE A MORI POLL??
a fund collected for a specific purpose such as an election campaign 3 5 w-r -h--- a type of ancient greek satirical verses written iin iambs i-m-i-- french phrase signifying in a lump as a body or...
two-word french phrase describing a feeling of wellbeing b-e- ---- old word for a box or chest in which written records were kept -c-y-e the practice or belief in the destruction of religious images...
initials for a civil order made against a person who is shown to have engaged in certain unacceptable behaviour -s-- accent consisting of two dots placed over vowels in some words in german languages...