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Help please to get me started with top corner Whirling dervish's wife entering African republic (7) Cathedral city area dumps a thousand following chapter in Russian city (10) bishop approved coming...
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Times 23796 14d Utterly stumped. 'One carried out when another carried off?' 2 words (4 6) ?o?t ?o?t?m Anyone please help. Thank you.
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2d, part of violin bow held while playing...H?E? 32d, slang or jargon used by a group of people...a???t 34d,ruler of thebes in greek mythology.....C???N 37a, evergreen plant genus to which jasmine...
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Need only a few answers - sorry i'm posting them all the time but I need to do it by tomorrow. Conundrum for a shop - consume some bacon Conundrum for tv show Welsh abode Durable footwear Thank You...
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Any help appreciated All answers to do with food or drink 1 Straight Line 2 So vain in his scarf 3 Disliked by Jack Frost 4 Just Pat 5 English igneous rock 6 Clown Many thanks
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1. Manu U's Best Friend? 2. A bit of a fisherman? 3. New baby found this? 4. Cleaned Windows?
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Stuck on 1ac mark with new dye. About time one's yellow /c/r/d/ /// (7,3); 6dn distressed soldiers stuffing cake down initially //r/e///d (9); 14ac sound of MP with economists employing spin /o/p/s...
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`(1) a girl twice erfused (2,2,7) (2) expiation (9) (3) a wiltshire man (9) (4) florida usa (8,5} (5)put your hands up (5,3,3,3) (6) butterfly (8) (7) whither goest thou (3,5) (8) fate (6) (9) an...
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42) Funny old woman from behind the iron Curtain 45) Grandma takes a break after her degree
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S Times last2- 6 down- Rank stars here-English girl tagged on(9) E???L?T?E 8 down- Doesn't go without a group of singers(6) A???T? Sun Tel- 7 across- Stone embedded in a bell: strange trinket(9)...
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Phrase:- Wit then rolls over ed. Answers of: 2,4,4,3,5. Clue:- He apparently betrayed him. Many thanks for any help.
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I have posted these questions before, but have yet to get an answer! No clues as to number of letters. 1. A happy dog 2. A smelly place These are both COUNTRIES
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4d object in a book or film that serves as an impetus for the plot. coined by hitchcock. ?c?u?f?n 35d instigator or personification of general lawlessness or disorder ??a???
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13d mania for stewing cheese without slow cooker 4-5 -a-n -a--- also programme anagram acryetpkoku
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17d goodnight my .......... song from the music man ?o?e?n? 20a spellbinding m?s?e?i? thanks in advance
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7d- united ref trained first of sides to turn out (11) 21ac- eccentric descendant most likely to succeed (4-2) Thought it was very difficult today...
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1dn jingoistic frenchman has quarter of chickens cooked in wine (7) c?a?v?n 16ac english queen surrounded by attendant nobles(7) p???a?e 13dn float upside-down, somewhat vegetatively(8) ?????a?e many...
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64)Rod is all at sea (7) (Is this Fishing or is that to easy!) 69)Place it in the arrival (9) 70)Moves suddenly (5) Thanks for any help
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9)Angry sew! (5-6) 15)Johnny Tillotson in motion (6) 17)Ram came jumping along! (7) (I came up with macrame but why the jumping bit) 44)Storing the buzzers (10) 48) A sport using woolly ******* (3,7)...
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Iam sure that I have seen some of these previously but cannot recollect seeing answers. Help please.Famous women via Cryptic clues. Yanking local nipper round. Tuesday in France is pointless so study...

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