Damp, dark and wet here - a real miserable morning. Need to get central heating guys out - our hot water has become sooo hot that it is scalding, and same for radiators & heated towel rail in... ...
Just recently discovered my house was built in 1936. That could easily mean 2 or 3 generations could have lived in it before I bought it in 1990. I'm using the word generations loosely because I... ...
A new member of the adult social care has been to see my oldster. (I'm sure they only come to make sure they are still alive and not battered black and blue) 'How are you?' she asked him. 'I'm... ...
Without anything for the weekend, how much do you pay the barber for your haircut. It dont affect me because I've been shaving my own for yonks. Happen to look at a price list yesterday and was... ...
What a mad, tiring, chaotic few days it's been. But very rewarding. Have driven miles, managed to see all 3 children that I'd planned to, all grandchildren, I've been here there and... ...
... for a fee of between one to one and a half million pounds. But, due to health issues she will be exempt from most trials. She may dish the dirt on her legal malarky which would interest some,... ...
On Thursday I went for my annual flu and Covid booster as I found out it was the Moderna, and I had 5 Pfizer jabs I decided I would just have the flu jab and come back at a later date. I know... ...
TTT recently posted a thread (based on a youtube video) which besides explaining the above, covered why you cannot exceed the speed of light. In that youtube video, the time dilation effect was... ...
I'm not often in the car with my husband but today when we were travelling in his car there was a high pitched beep every 30 seconds when he was going 70 mph or above. He can't hear it due to his... ...
my socks drive me mad they just won't stay up ,i end up with them bunching in the toes of my shoes ,tried all sorts from diabetic ones etc .How do you keep yours in place ? x
So, after driving 115 miles to my eldest sons house today, I spent 4 hours with him and his family, I then had to drive another hour at 5 pm to my middle sons house to spend 2 hours there as I'd... ...
//Democrat insiders have blamed “arrogant” Joe Biden for Kamala Harris’s election defeat, saying he set her up to fail by not dropping out of the race sooner. “His legacy is in tatters,” said Jim... ...
Walking back from lunch some eejit came up behind me on one of those illegal electric scooter things shouting abuse. I stayed where I was be barged past I pushed him into the frog, then threw his... ...