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7d Dictate one leter which is declared as sacred (9) ?A?O?I??? All I can come with is canonical but don't how it fits the clue 15a Dam river and one can contain water (4) E??? (8th of 7d is 3rd letter...
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17d Exhausted afterdrink in part of bar (8) ?O?N?E?T Downbeat is all that i can come up with but not 100% sure it's right...
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After some duff information Thank you Oldred I agree with your answer to 17a Diploma Revised questions 1d In Rome I saw a patriarch receiving a cult member (8) ?A???I?? 9a Hold information on this...
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Get me started 1d In Rome I saw a patriarch receiving a cult member (8) ?A???U?? 17a Swim length- the recognition of merit's a certificate (7) ??????L? 24a Stand at the helm when excavating a biblical...
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1d Lifter gives help to first five (5) ???I? 6a Bird gets it back is an understatement (7) ?????O? 2d Steady sounding measure (5) ???TE...
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17d In this,no bishop is ever straightforward (5) ?H?O? 6d One who would have been offended on reading 11across (2,5) ?N ?N?L? The answer to 11a is Obtuse angle. The only answer I can think is an...
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1a Heroine not 7on holiday : an apocryphal tale to some (4,2,6) R?S? O? ?????? Answer to 7 is New Testament so it could have some reference to the Old Testament 14a Abominable Lord's test :the...
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6d Muredeous type of return,but not right time in in the game (6) ?E??IS Looks like tennis but (if so)why ? 5d Maiden; blocks betwen two and fiveout of 8, (answer skated) perhaps ?A??...
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4D Egyptian Dynasty 1075-945 BC (6) T?N?T? (6) 18d Main Stream of Southern Sumatra (Dutch spelling) (5) M?E?I 16a Initialand surname of renowned anthropologist expert in native languages poet composer...
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Last one 3 d Island's spirit (5) ?I?H? I think it may be Wight but why ? and if not what is it ?...
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Last one 3d Island's spirit (5) ?I?H? I think the answer could Wight but would wlcome suggsetions and/or confirmation. Many thanks...
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15a Plateau hemming Paris in must be defendable (7) ?E???L? 18a Resident of Avignon ,they say,before Alexander (8) ?N?????E 16d From each one get a pastry with outstanding crust (6) ??I???...
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17 One of an obscure Semitic clan pre-dating the Israelites in Canaan (6) ?E?I??E I asked this last night and the only answer was semite though I cannot beleve an obscure Semjtic tribe would be...
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17a One of an obscure Semetic clan predating thw Israelites in Canaan (6) ?E?I?E...
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13d The common name of the highly fragrant Oriental lily Liliium ?E?R??A?E?...
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19a One way to prepare food on a hillside(5) SC???...
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6d Micah's place at St Thomas Hospital (9) ?O?E???T? 11a Worries of a father in the Roman school (5) ?R?T? Possibly frets but why? 14d Wood in which one leaves a footprint (6) ??N?A?...
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21a Films often begin , like half of this John Wayne stuff (5) S?A?E Stage ? as in Stagecoach Many thanks for any help. AB's support helped me win a book in this crossword recently...
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I asked for help with three clues on an earlier post No anwers so far. Have the ABs been beaten for once ?...
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7a Adeadly game sees 27 countries back in the terrible cold(6) ?O???O 2d So dignified as to put one to sleep (6) ????e 7d Slyly encouraged the American limited by a very bad diet (7) ?N?I?E?? Incited...

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