You've done most of it. So can you finish it ? 1d Wear round part of US car isreported(4) ?I?E 4d Graduate's getting on but is needing to raise some bread (5) ?A?E? I can't concentrate watching Ghana...
Can anyone get me started on this
5d Non-com's sporty car ,cutting through tailbacks,flipped over (3,3)
?G? ??J)
22a Read blind here from Samson Agonistes (7,2,4)
??????? I? ??Z?...
Need a kick start on this 1a Dubious colony gets one to enter movement (11) ?????T????? 13a Characters are in Rome,in place (2,4) I? ???? in situ? 18a Sudden desire to finish cereal (7) C?????E...
Am stuck on the last few - not mention doing this a day later than usual .... 1a misleading details in plans covering promise of redemption (8) ?p?c???? 21a assistant in theatre, perhaps, announced...
16a Saintly woman with no legs is agonizing,he wote about the Armenians (12
1a Girl onthe rebound meets a boy in Zoroastrian text (7)
Avestan ?...
4d Altered nets are best in party hats (6,7)
E?S?E? ??N?E?S
The answer looks like easter bonnets but I would welcome the reason or an alternate answer...
6d Penalties of being in a sorry state (9) ?A?E?T?N? Lamenting ? 7d Hermit's at a new church to duck Mass perhaps (9) ?????r?t? 9a Fresh current north of the Isle of Wight (8) ?T???B???...
23a Lords over one at a baptism (6)
21a She's subsequently a ship of the line (4)
Lass seems obvious but why /
Fair to good in France and the Big Apple
Bonus /...
As usual struggling 8a Abird from the Loire,for instance, a sacred one in France (6,2,5) ??A?T?? ?? ?O??? 5a Funny , old long French word going around:they can't translate ......?.. ?O?????T? 7d Is...
Nearly finished thanks to the kind people on Answerbank 2d Bishop of Sherborne today left wearing military headgear (7) ?L?H??? 18a Charles, captured live by river folk in the Bible (8) ?H?R?E?S...
9a Dissident at first, Unitarians among massive number to convert in the end (8) ??G????? 7d Consistency in this area makes North Carolina's Olympian case (9) ???E?????? 15a One gets an apple, perhaps...