Hi All just a few left 21a Insect observed going round park (4) W?S? is it WASP? 25a Eleven characters in a film retreat (4) E??? 19d Somebody going on about .... flipping snake (5) V?P?R is it VIPER?...
Hi all the last please
5d A flyer Earl left in time (5) E?G?E is it EAGLE? if so why?
17d Should unruly thug post a circular? (5) O?G?T
Thanks in advance...
Hi all it's just the last one but I can see why
7d Long Story without a lead character (5) Y?A?N is it YEARN? I can see YARN as a story but why E?
Thanks in advance...
Hi all
just a few left:
10a The opposite of popular poetry (7) I???R?E
17a Double back to get priase (4) L?UD LOUD OR LAUD?
2d Go down a lakeside embankment (5) L???E
Thanks in advance...
Hi all just a few please 7a Lady hurting lacking beauty (5) P?A?N is it PLAIN? L in PAIN? 15a Trouble taking lead from bucket (3) A?L 16a Mistake a man makes turning away from a tribe (7) C?ANG?R...
Hi all you clever people just a few 10a Problem child, perhaps (5) I?S?E is it ISSUE? 4d Soldiers (soldiers turned back) (4) R??R is it REAR as in RE and RA backwards? 13d Moderate Labour supporter...
Hi al a few left and thanks for all your help 1a Meagre effort by a friend (6) P?L?R? somewhere PAL in? 18a One taken around a little shop (4) D??I is it DELI? 19d An antelope from a city, in...
Hi all just 2 left and maybe obvious
2d Bad actor with a minor part ... (3) H?M is it HAM or HIM?
19a A responsibility America Has (4) ?N?S is it ONUS?
Thanks in advance...
Hi all 3 left 12a Place they'll start and continue to lease? (7) T???T?N 24a ... moderate Labour supporter (5) E?S?L is it EASEL? 6d Heartless Pole taking a fool out (5) P?S?? Thanks all in advance...
Hi All a few left 10a Trouble comes to a girl (5) I?S?? could it be ISSUE? 3d Seers of Note agreed (4) E??S 21a Author- dropping second line (4) ?A?L 25d Candid answer from senior citizen meeting...
Hi all just 3 left 7a Highest sound to displease (5) P?Q?E is it PIQUE? 9a City residents, initially about 17 (4) ???O 17 is one so OSLO? 1d Some progressive monsters (5) O???S Thanks in advance...
Hi all late niters a few to ask 7a Grub a girl really consumed (5) L?R?? maybe LARGE? 21a Swimmer swallowing when making a stand (5) E?S?? 26a Date with a single girl in Ireland (7) ??N?G?? Thanks in...
Hi all a few left: 20a Elbow exposed around midnight (5) N???E 26a British girl taken back to dance (6) ?????T 12d Shy man with credentials (5) T?M?? 19d Gem jeweller finally set in ring (5) P?A?? 21d...
Hi all just a few left: 3d Cow sounds like closer animal (5) M?O?E is it MOOSE? 4d Dash around behind an animal (5) E?A?D is it ELAND? 21a Ended series caused distress (5) U?S?? Thanks in advance...